i find it pointless to stay in one place
when u already starting to lose interest in it.
sometimes when things get a little bit better..
you wish for getting it more better..
but when it sunk..
you just hope everything end right now.
funny hur?
frankly speaking,
the job i am holding now,
i must say i like it,
but i hate it too..
i dun like YAYA people..
but i feel like every people consist a little of that..
some MORE..
ohmy.. how am i going to deal with it?
i wished i have some kind of magicial thingy
to help me find out who is being real and who is being fake with me.
if only i have..
we'r back :D
helloo people..
i am back from the 3days2nights chalet stays with girls!
enjoy myself so much so as girls!
meet up with flo at 2 plus?
i am late as usual..
and flo nagging as usual too :S
took 969 to tamp..
well ling travel on her own..
cos you know.. this meant to be a surpise for her :D
the bus we took so crawling like a snail in Express way..
for once... we thought the bus that ling took is going to overtake us :/
cut down all the travelling and walking..
we reach our resort at 3plus..
check in..took our keys and off we set to our room F-06!
the room is nice but not best, good but not worst :D
that the kitchen! hmm.. that stupid fridge is spoilt!
our messy room! :D LOL..
anyway.. we unpacked our bags 1st
and flo went to setup the lappy cos we had something for ling:D
shortly after that.. our main lead APPEAR.
show her the video&present..
her reaction is our great repaid:D
chat alittle.. and we went to dress up and off we went to e-hub!
dine in at pastamania..
well.. that because 3 women cannot decide on where to eat
so God led us to pastamania..(how? haaa.. dun tell you!:D)
yummyyy dinnerr!
after dinner..it's k-boxing time!
sing-sang sung :D
fun and enjoyable time
Picture all upload at FB!
flo really very suay lo.
both her shoes snapped off..
and left her bare-footed..
LOL.. lucky still got ling's shoes :D
haaaaaa..light off at 3am?
BUT that not the end of day1..
somethings happen at 5am plus..
guess what?
That stupid electricity trip off..and light, aircon all gone..
LOL..den have to wake up to inform the officer.
after that laid died in bed again..
both of them wake up so early in the morninglike 8plus?
LOL.. got another power trip in the morning
so they both go check it out...
and it all because of the stupid fridge..
washed up,and we went off the DTE to buy breakfast.
we brought a very hearty breakfast:D
with SOYA MILK! yummyyyyy
and then..it started raining!
omyy.. so we went up to our room to enjoy the aircon..
and play the game ''TRUTH''
lol.. as mention, it to ans all the qns truthfully:D
and sooo slacked until 12 plus?
rain stop and we set off to WWW!
LOL..maybe it because age is catching us..
flo and i seem to be so fear of height?!
LOL.. i used to play the u-slide so many time before..
but now.. uhhh:x no thanks!haaa:)
so instead of say swimming..
rather say we soaked in the water for 4hours plus?
and yupp.. went home to bath!
i am so tired .. so after my hair dye up abit..
i went up to sleep..
ling and flo power lo..still can cam-whore at downstair..
LOL.. i faint at the comfortable bed until 5plus?
hmm.. went to DTE again to buy dinner..Best and cheap dinner ever had!LOL..

Best and cheap dinner ever had!
LOL.. we got curry fish head.. it like so big.. so full ..so CHEAP!
and togther we got egg..meat..vegetables..rice!
total only !!!!! $22.50as say..
it's really cheap!
after dinner..slacked again..dress up at 10plus ready to go to the lounge.LOL..
maybe that lounge is too old le ba..
we went out shortly after half our leg stepped inside.
and so we went to e-hub to check whther there is any movie to catch..
and there is!
and we brought tixs for "Sorority Row"
gross and more gross movie~
dun really like it :s
reached back resort at 1 plus going 2..
the 3 of them is worn out..
and we quickly change and light off
went to bed..but suddenly ling and flo recalled the movie part..
LOL.. so we on music to break the night slience..
and soon later we all fell into a deep deep sleep :D
woke up around 7 plus..
cos the aircon is so frecking cold..
ling already wake up by the time i went downstair..
so we left flo to sleep longer..
and we went down to wash and brush up..
packed our thingy..
and had bread as breakfast:D
after flo woke up, wahed and brush up, all packed
we left the so called "HOME'' of our's for the past 3 days..
took 168home..
so fast and steady..
we reached woodland at 10am.
took cabbed home from cwp
cos i dunwan to squeeze bus with aunties with bag of fishes`meat`veggies..
home sweet home finally..
i miss my creamy so much:D
That for all..
we really do enjoy the stay..
hope to have another one in the future time! :D

more pictures at FB!
that all !
*ps: Creamy is so cute daoooo:D