it so boringg staying at home..
i dunwan to go back to work T.T
Human like you should feel sorry for yourself
Such as sluty slut...
what a day...
went to meet up with Aunty Colin today for my appointment..
Hais ):
same old things ):
hais... ...

-sometime it just take me a few hours to understand the meaning-
this few days was fine..
meet with gals nearly everyday (:
well..next months might not hab that much chance to meet up liao... ):
dunnoe why this few weeks..
whenever i am alone.. my mind will be filled up with the past memories..
hais ): i dun wan to rmb the past lah..afterall is nothing to proud of about my past ..
is there anyway to clear away the memories?
i dunwan to recall back what happened ...
hais ):
i dunnoe why..
whatever i try to be alone...
all sort of past memories will come dashing into my mind..
I dun wan to recall back the past..
it's killing me ):
I wan to forget .. forget everythings...
pure headache, like a clamp screwing tighter every second.
pure dizziness, as if i m going to black out any moment.
what's wrong?
things cant move,
brain cant work.
heart dun pump and eyes just close.
as good as dead already.
really tired already.
my health is calling an alarm again...
couldnt take it anymore.
just dun seem to be able to face everything i m suppose to face.
me myself kept telling me that.
i feel the aches, pain, warm, dizzy and headache.
probably i forced myself to become like that.
getting sick.
or am i sick already?
its to this situation that i din even know if i m sick, down with flu or what..
how pathetic...
STUDYING? for a moment, i was full of motivation to do what is lying in front of me.
however, the next moment, i find myself dreading with what is facing at me.
i dunno what i want.
i dunno how much i understood.
and i dunno how to ask questions~
is it a sin to not ask questions?
is it wrong to do my own thinking?
i cant figure out how to get my thoughts and put it in words. (but i m doing it now!)
the problem is, i cant absorb and puke it out instantly.
i need time to clear up my thoughts and digest it...
for a moment, i had an aim. even listed it down.
next moment, i felt so lost that i want to give up everything.... what's wrong?
i just want to do what i like. and be myself.
but its so hard..
WORKING?getting into a environment i dislike is really a torture.
doing stuffs i totally dislike is a nightmare.
i mean its obvious, people sees it, i predicted it.
the contrast of doing something passionate and dislike is like a comparison of heaven and hell. but do i have a choice?
what will happen if two person has absolutely opposite character, thinking and lifestyle?
clashes will sure happen.
attitude, anger, stubborness and reluctancy will all rise.
found out i m someone who is very hard to deal with.
but could be easy if i want to.i think its not a day's thing.
i dun give face if the attitude is wrong in the first place.
but everyone has a kind of character since young. its even inheritance.
found out that i need changes to continuously keep my attention going.
yet, on the other hand,
i dun like changes that i have to change to adapt to.
contradicting hor.. :/
but that's me.
my attention time span is short.
and that's probably y it makes me look at more things....
so hard to understand..
people who dun clique with me is probably that they cant think what i m thinking...
and i cant guess them.
probably some dun even care to think here and there...
that's the difference between people bah.
cos of that, no matter how i or people tried, it wont succeed.
me me me me..
everyone is self-centered now, even me.
because the environment forced me to.
and i dun want to.
and one thing i have nv change,
my thinkings...
at the end of the day.. ask
where do i stand?
i dunno.
-CR to T.W@ Nov07 -
when one drops into mud, they struggle, struggle to find the way out.
yet they could not because mud covered their vision. and the more they struggle, the deeper they go.its only when someone comes along and pull them up.
i admit i do get stuck in mud very often. but i get back standing up fast once the 'help' comes.
but its rare that 'help' comes.
as what many says, one's mind dun function at all when they panic or in trouble. and most people would react the same way. and i m the extreme type-- blank mind, blocked ears and running tap.
guess everytime when i get out of mud, i would think back what has happened when i was in it. which i will start a long essay of my own beliefs. and talking to people makes me rethink about myself and rearrange out my own set of thoughts.reflecting what i have learnt...
its nearly about time to give things a shot...
Weekend. marks the end of this week and start of next week.
feel a little sickly yst cos of nose allergy. also went to see doctor to treat my poor health. all the ulcers, gastric, headaches and dizziness...yeahh thanks to exams and stress..
as usual.
doctor told me to slp early. wow..that a nice one.. How come he noe i am slping late?!
feeling much more better today..
woke up around 3 plus in the afternoon..
studyy studyyy && studyyyy
it been 5 days that i last saw humans faces!!
and so i decided to go back to cathay..
1st to take my shoe..2nd to see my huihui and lastly to watch painted skin!
-it a nice show! song are also nice! (:-
fine..nothing to update le..
going to slp~
all the best to u in whatever u are doing..
hope u can be happy over there too .. (:

-My loves-
hmmm..how stupid of me.. YOU will never come to read my blog..
i whether why i still write all this..
Forget it.. treat it as a way to vent my feeling..
maybe i will never get the chance to see YOU anymore ......
actually all along i really hope to get the chance to apologise to you face to face..
but i dun hab the courage to do so.. i admit facing u make me feel like a coward ..
i just want to tell you that i am really sorry..sorry for annoying you over this few months. sometime i feel like a pain in ur neck , because i know i can't gib u a break at all ): i am really really sorry ...
Over this few months.. i swear i really teasure everytime when we chatted or just purely talking to each other.. i teasure it is not because of anythingg, it's because at the end of the day, when I realize this would probably never ever happen again..do you know how that feel?
i dun noe why things hab to turn out eventually in this way.. i know u grow to hate me for being like this.. and u know what.. i grow to hate this kind of me days by days too...
i am really really sorry.. I kinda suck in getting over / letting go of things... sorry..
以前只要可以和你说说话, 我真的会很开心也会很满足
Every stories end with a fullstop..
eventually i also put a fullstop to this story..
who noe.. maybe the brand new chapter is going to being soon ....(:
today is my practical exam!!
well.. went to SI LING SEC for exam..
hmm..all i can sae is i paying money to go into a oven to take exam..
Wah.. the lab super damm warm loh..
the teacher all like inhuman sia..!!
and the sch is like so old..
inregardless of chair,table, equiments && even the bursen burner..
LOL..the bursen burner can burn people to death..
now den i realise marsiling sec is better (:
nothing much to update le..
time to slp..
tmr still hab to study~
today... i saw him..wah.. he really nv change at all..still so cute~haiss ..such a pity4 yr ago..if only we can go back to 4 yr ago...maybe that time the incident nv happenwe might still be best friend..
today something unexpected happen..
feeling quite happy (:
thanks for the wishes by all my peers in cathay
and to all my friends (:
i will work hard one !!
omgg.. i miss them so much (:
i dunnoe whether the person u mean was me..but.. if it was really me..please dun feel bad or wat..i really nv blame you ..i really do feel happy that u are my friend (:i just want to lead a normal life back..
back to the time before i start working in cathay..
before the time i went crazy for everythings..
it seem like it is quite impossible arh?
hais ):
people do change and grow up...
i admit i am such a stupid fooli shld not hab created this joke..but i reall dun wish to think of anything nw..i just hope that i can cherish the friendship between me and her..and i hope that she can understand that too..i will not blame her for anything again..or show her any stupid attitude of mine again..SWEAR!
so siannn..
everyday is like eat; slp; and studyy..
kinda so bored lah..
suddenly so many days nv work like so not use to it..
gosh.. gotta miss my cathay peeps..
gone to study again..
byeee (:
random life..random thinking..
currently mugging hard for my papers! x.x
meet up with sophia this afternoon..
went to chill in RP lib..
weezheo came shortly after that..
haiiss... study the practical thingyyy~
cation and anions!
haiyooooo.. headachesssssssssssss x(
oh well well...
thanks for the msg by glen and desmond(3 days ago)..
highly appericated :)
i will work hard one.. :)
all right......
time to slp..
update tmr :)
if only you will be like them..
just a simple msg that wish me good luck..
gosh..i am dreaming again..
DAY 1 of my 3 wks leave~
last time he used to ask me to let him see my blog..
luckily did not gib at that time..
or things will become more funny hur?
hais ):drop my tears today at kbox when i was listening to the song chi xin jue dui..the lyrics is so sad lohh.. and also meaningful..i am not going to see him for 3 weeks..i will use the time to learn to walk out..hope by that time..i can completely treat him like a passerby?
hehe (:
tiring day x)
went-ed to jurong east with girls today..
haha (:
sing and sing from 2pm to around 7 plus..
wahh..sing super damm lots of songs loh..
in the endd.. Throat pain!!! T.T
left k-box at around 7 plus..
went to take neoprints..
hehe..waiting for flo to upload to the com!
well well.. something so PS happened while taking the pic!!
>.< haiyoooooo..
after taking pic..
train-ed back to marsiling..
back for dinner time (:
well..the whole jounery on train.. my dear ahflo was grumbing about her size; clothes bleah bleah..haha.. she really very funny sia (:
ok..back to dinner..
well..only things is the curry fish head was sold out when we want to order...
T.T my fish headdddddddddd~!
so we order foods like kangkong; soup;pork rib(sweet and sour one );thai bleah bleah chicken(forget the name -.-") and egg..
after dinner..chit and chat for awhile and here i am.. blogginggg! haha
oh yahh..
my house had 3 new members..
3 super damm cute baby hamasters (;
super cute lohhh.. heheeee..loveee them
time for bed..
blog tmr (:
&& it the start of my 3 wk OFF!!
exam just around the corner~~
Jiayou jiayou (:
heyyy (:
today i hab decided not to gib the letter that i wrote to him..
cos someone make me feel that it pointless to gib it to him cos afterall no one know wat will happen after he finish the letter..
i dun wan to make things more complicated..
i just hope things will stay the current way..
Closing is so much fun today!!
With HUI; NIA ; JUN ; HENG; HUA and XIAO DI ..
haha (:
and i realised that i grow to cherish the friendship between me and hui..
she is really a very straightforward girl ..hehee(:
Love you lahh..
going out with girls tmr...
heheee.. looking forwardd..
i will still treat you as a frienda normal friend..hope one day.. you will also treat me as a normal friend?GOSHH.. i thinking of it again...x(
kinda getting used to blog nowaday (:
Yst was a very busy day..
tonnes and tonnes of humans flowing to watch movie.. haha (:
hais..lots of humans = Lots of fucking attitude face..
Lucky yst got rachel and nia there.. time pass so fast! haha
yst after finish clearing the crowd..
suddenly feel so unwell..
den went into the kitchen to vomit.. so ps loh..
den james closed my counter early so i can rest..
oh yaa.. yst just realise that actually james not bad la..
just that last time the impression toward him is my fault la.. :/
haha.. sometime it really can be fun working there..
hahaha~~~ sometimeee~
Clear up concess quite fast..
thanks to the counters yst..
cab supposed to come at 1.45am..
but its late for 1 hr 20 plus mins..
we wait until last shows end le ..the cab also not here..
haiyooo..tired lohhhh after all the vomitting..
chatted with desmond while waiting for the cab
somehow he enlighted me with somethings..
maybe he was right..
i am just struck in the middle of a circle..
if i learn to walk out.. i only need to walk half of the circle instead of the whole..
he was right.. No one can help me with this..
i gotta be strong.. my life worth someone better (:
thanks ahongg..
try not to thinks too much now..
destroyed my brain cells..
i will learn how to walk out of the circle by myself..but i really hope when i walked out of my circle.. we can still be friends..can we?toward you..i really felt so sorry..sorry for pressing you..sorry for my behavior..but...let just let things stay the current way 1st...i am really really sorry ):
backkk (:
hmm...tiring day today..
I pro loh..
run 2 counters cos xiao qi not feeling well..
goshh~ it tiring loh..
i really cannot understand customers loh
it like we serve them is like a must loh..
they give us attitude we hab to endure..
but when we return them with the same fucking face..
the day we got complaint..
Funny hur?
oh well well..
who ask me to stuck in this service line..zzZZZ
quit talking of work..make me more tired.. -.-
i did my best to avoid you already..
i tried not to go into the office when u are in there..
i tried to walk a long way when u are standing at the door there..
do you know it? can you see?
Each day is like going on a battle ... trying to run away from ur sight cos i dunwan myself to be damm ps.. ):
i wan u to be happy and i want u to smile cos u really look friendly and approachable when u smile..
in my heart.. u are never a cold-blooded animal..
so.. be happy ar...knowing that u are happy..i would be happy (:
going to dye my hair tmr..
wonder how would it turn out to be..
haha.. Looking forward (;
Do you know how much courage i need to run away from ur sight?i really trying my best not to see you..cos i fear that my determination is not that firm..you know how much i feel like standing forward to tok to u..i can;t.... ):mydear..how are you today? ):
Heyyy (:
back to blogging..
Changed my skin to something simple..
i'm sorry that things hab to be this way
i need time to sort out my thinking..
it not that i dun trust who or not.. it just that i dunnoe who to trust..
The ones i used to trust are the one that hurt me the most..
oh gosh.. kinda suck hur?
well..basically..i just wan to clear up the stupid mess that i created .Who really care who is going to get hurt in the endafterall..it just a mindgame...