hellooooooo (:
Now the time is 7.41AM ..
haha..jus come back frm orchard (:
Today work until 2 plus in the morning ..
suddenly find like watching movie ..
so went to jio ppl watch with me..
in the end decide to go orchard to watch GET SMART with yongliangQINGAIDE , huihui x33 , veejaySWEETIE , jamaica x33 && michael ^^ .
The whole group of us went down to orchard by cathay cab (:
haha.. FREE!
reach there around 3plus in the morning..
so me , yongliangQINGAIDE , huihui x33 went up to L9 to buy tix while veejay they all smoke downstair...
Finally... tixs BROUGHT..
so we went down to the L5 to wait .
only a few shots cos afterall we are quite tired..
while waiting , yongliangQINGAIDE told us alot of thingy about orchard..^^
finallyyyyy... 3.50 am..
after buying our food..we went up to L6 for our movie (:
the show is at hall 2 .. the M1 hall
Not consider big =p
BUTBUTBUT there is a toilet inside!
so cooool =D
Settle down fast..
So this is how we sit..
yongliangQINGAIDE && veejaySWEETIE
huihui x33 && ME (:
and hahas..
Jamaica X33 with Michael ^^..
okok...back to the show
the front part is consider ok la..
funny =D
the middle part is like so dry lo..
yongliangQINGAIDE , huihui x33 and me actually fall into a deep deep slp ..
yongliangQINGAIDE manage to wake up to watch the last part
while huihui x33 and me slp throughout the whole show =S
haiyooo..tired mah
VeejaySWEETIE funny loo..
he shouted so loudly..
"the one who asked us to come actually fall asleep!"
no choice ..the show is so dry loo !!!
Show ended at 6 plusplus..
bid goodbye to Veejay , jamaica and michael cos they are taking bus..
while yongliangQINGAIDE , huihui x33 and me take taxi..
chatted happily on the cab with yongliangQINGAIDE
butbut my huihui is so tired x.x
after they both alighted..
finally it is my turn!
Overall fees is $28.60
consider cheap le..
cos no additional fees..
AND we wented to hougang , khabit and marsiling =s
all right !!
I shall end here and roll to get some slp
OVERALL.. enjoy my day! ^^
some photos before i end ~
see! Veejay the model =D


I LOVE them (:
Ended.. ^^
including my family too ^^omgg ...
I hope to have her courage and confident when i face him ...
dun worry..this is nt emo-ing(: